The day you realize that your child doesn’t see the world the way you do is the day you can start to loosen up and stop being so uptight.
Children view the world with fresh eyes, full of innocence and goodness.
It’s adults who introduce them to the concepts of bad or not good enough.
For example, when you take your toddler into a store, they see all the colorful things and toys and get excited, wanting to pick everything up.
They are not trying to steal; they are simply enjoying the moment and exploring.
If you don’t want your toddler roaming around, keep them by your side instead of getting angry.
I saw a parent yelling at her toddler, who couldn’t have been more than two years old, for running around and picking up toys.
This child doesn’t understand the concept of stealing yet; they are just curious and full of life.
When a child touches your laptop or your hair, they are exploring and learning, not trying to be annoying.
Children don’t perceive the world as we do.
What you consider bad, they see through the lens of innocence.
Your perception is shaped by your experiences and knowledge, but a child hasn’t lived through those experiences yet.
Expecting your child to understand things as you do is setting both of you up for frustration.
Instead of getting angry or expecting them to know what you know, take the time to teach them.
Understand that their excitement and curiosity are natural.
They see everyone as friendly and the world as a safe place.
It’s your job to guide them and teach them about safety and boundaries without crushing their spirit.
Remember, your child won’t see the world as you do because they haven’t had the same experiences.
You need to actively teach them about the world.
Relax, set realistic expectations, and always remember to teach and guide them gently.