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Have you ever had a preconceived notion about where your future spouse should come from?


I certainly did, and it almost cost me the love of my life.


A few years before meeting my husband, I had a definite “no” for his Local Government Area (LGA).


Ironically, that’s exactly where he hailed from. 😄


So, what changed my mind?


It wasn’t just a change in preferences but a profound journey of learning and growth.


A few months before my husband popped the question, I stumbled upon a book that delved into the idols we unconsciously hold onto, hindering the blessings of marriage.


This eye-opening read not only shifted my perspective on my ideal marriage location but also revealed the deep-seated unbelief in my heart, unbeknownst to me. 😭🙆


The author skillfully navigated through scriptures, unveiling how these idols don’t align with God’s plan.


Freed from the shackles of misplaced priorities, his place of origin became a trivial detail when he proposed.


I had more critical considerations in mind.


Idols, powerful and often unnoticed, can obstruct the path to your God-ordained partner.


Reflecting on Ezekiel’s message, God warned against setting up idols in our hearts, hindering our ability to seek His guidance.


Idols blindfold us, impairing our capacity to recognize the right person.


That transformative book I stumbled upon?


It’s a must-read for every unmarried person.


The truth is, God might be sending your ideal partner your way, but unrecognized idols can obstruct the blessing meant for you.


Break free from unseen barriers, cooperate with God, and embrace the love He has packaged just for you. 💑✨

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