A simple plea to all employers out there: pay your workers on time, and treat them with respect.
It’s disheartening to see salaries for the previous month arriving on the 15th of the next month.
This practice is neither fair nor kind.
Here are some important reasons why employers should prioritize timely salary payments and fair treatment:
1. Happy Workers Lead to Thriving Companies
If you aim for a successful business, it starts with the people who work for you.
Treating your employees well and paying them promptly can lead to your company exceeding expectations.
2. Respect Employees’ Right to Choose
Employees have the right to quit their jobs whenever they want.
However, some employees leave without notice due to the fear that they won’t be paid for the month.
This creates a cycle of mistrust.
3. Delayed Payments Are Not the Solution
Late salary payments are often a tactic to keep employees dependent on their employers.
It’s essential for employees to speak up and demand their salaries be paid on time.
Remember, every worker deserves fair treatment and timely payments.
Treating your employees well will strengthen your business, and in the long run, kindness prevails.