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Cows & Music

Posted by Administrator August - 6 - 2023 0 Comment

For quite some time, both farmers and scientists knew that cows tend to produce more milk when they listen to music.

However, no logic was found between the two.

The connection between the cows and the increased productivity of milk had no scientific explanation.

According to Modern Farmer magazine, cows find it easy to get rid of their stress when they listen to music.

However, they don’t show the same result for all types of music.

According to the study conducted in 2001, cows did not show improvement in milk production while listening to rap or techno songs; however, when they listened to soothing songs like Bridge Over Troubled Water and Everybody Hurts, they showed an increase of three percent in their milk production.

Whether you know it or not, even animals are stressed.

According to the study, cows find it easy to release oxytocin, a hormone related to the milking process, when they listen to music.

This is because they feel stress-reducing when they have music in their ears.

It distracts them and lets them stay calm during the milking process.

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