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If you have attended a white wedding in Nigeria in the past, you might have witnessed a peculiar ritual: the groom untying the gaiter from the bride’s leg and tossing it to the crowd of single men.

This was supposed to symbolize the groom’s claim over his bride and his willingness to share his good fortune with his friends.

However, in recent years, this practice has become less common and even frowned upon by some.

What happened to this tradition and why did it fade away?

Here are some arguments for and against the untying of the gaiter.

Argument For:

  • The untying of the gaiter is a fun and playful way to celebrate the newlyweds and their love. It adds some humor and excitement to the wedding ceremony and creates a memorable moment for the couple and their guests.
  • The untying of the gaiter is a harmless tradition that does not harm or disrespect anyone. It is not meant to be taken seriously or literally, but rather as a symbolic gesture of the groom’s affection and generosity. It does not imply that the bride is an object or that the groom has exclusive rights over her.
  • The untying of the gaiter is a cultural heritage that should be preserved and respected. It is part of the Nigerian identity and history and reflects the diversity and richness of our customs and traditions. It is a way of honoring our ancestors and passing on our values to the next generation.

Argument Against:

  • The untying of the gaiter is a sexist and outdated tradition that objectifies and degrades women. It implies that the bride is a commodity that can be owned and exchanged by men. It also reinforces the stereotype that women are passive and submissive, while men are active and dominant.
  • The untying of the gaiter is a vulgar and embarrassing tradition that spoils the dignity and elegance of the wedding ceremony. It exposes the bride’s intimate body part to the public and invites unwanted attention and comments from strangers. It also puts pressure on the groom to perform a task that he might not be comfortable with or skilled at.
  • The untying of the gaiter is a irrelevant and meaningless tradition that has no connection to our current reality and values. It is a relic of a colonial past that imposed foreign norms and practices on our society. It does not reflect our modern views on marriage, gender equality, and individual choice.


The untying of the gaiter is a controversial tradition that has sparked different opinions and reactions among Nigerians.

Some see it as a harmless fun, while others see it as a harmful offense.

Some see it as a cultural treasure, while others see it as a colonial trash.

Ultimately, it is up to each couple to decide whether they want to include it or exclude it from their wedding ceremony, based on their personal preferences and beliefs.

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